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The Ship Finder Page 17

  Within the hour Raven had taken Wilson to the ship's infirmary. Wilson slipped on a helmet wired to a control panel, and then he listened to music as a powerful computer archived his recollections. His memories, maybe even his soul, were now preserved in computer memory. He considered, will scientists soon learn how to read memories?

  Chapter 22 – Rachel 214993

  After the ship's computer recorded the information from Wilson's brain, he was tired. It was dinner time, and he wanted a meal and beer. So far, nobody had said that they could decipher his memories and recorded thoughts.

  "Rachel, let's go to a restaurant," he said. She was still shaken from the attack by the deer soldiers on planet Triod.

  "I could use a drink, something stronger than beer," she said. "I know a place that's perfect."

  "Lead the way," he said. They walked out of the ship and through the big hangar along one wall to a door that exited to the parking lot.

  "Did I tell you I have a small car assigned to me?" she asked.

  "That's more than they've given me," Wilson said. He was surprised she had not talked about her auto before.

  "It's in the lot," she said. The two walked to her red compact, a fusion-powered vehicle.

  "This little car reminds me of a small British auto of yesteryear," he said as he got in the passenger seat. "What was it called?" he puzzled.

  She drove to a bistro called the Charred Steak, and they strolled into the dim eatery. Many soldiers in uniform gobbled food and drank shots of whiskey and goblets of beer. A few beautiful women were there, and Wilson recognized them from the clone catalog that Raven had tossed his way after Lena's arrest. Patrons played pool, darts, and Sunevian table games he had not seen before.

  "Let's sit in a quiet corner," said Rachel. "This day was a thrill, but I'm tired and on edge."

  The two walked to a dark recess where there was a two-person table. Wilson pulled out a chair for Rachel. "You can unwind now," he said.

  "I feel relaxed with you," she said. "I know you think that I'm here just to please you and spy on you, but it's more than that." She shifted in her chair to a relaxed position.

  "You're more than good-looking," Wilson said. "You seem normal. I mean you're not just like a perfect doll. You're a regular person."

  "Thanks," she said. "I never understood what the big deal was. There are so many others who look just like me."

  "I get what you're saying," he said. "There's a lot more to you than looks." The more Wilson interacted with her, the more he liked her. She didn't seem to be dedicated to any cause, and she was refreshing because she acted like a normal person, even though she was a beautiful woman. He wondered, can I trust her to say what she really thinks?

  As Wilson sat down, a waitress came.

  "I'll order for you," Rachel said. She knew that Wilson was self-conscious about his accent and limited vocabulary.

  "Thank you," he whispered. "I'd like a steak, with potatoes, vegetables, and coffee."

  Rachel ordered their food so fast in Sunevian that Wilson couldn't understand everything that she said.

  "What do you think of rebels who use innocent animals to carry arms, and worse yet, blow up the poor creatures?" she asked.

  "It's barbaric," he said. Wilson was now allied with the rebels and yet, he could see that they, too, were guilty of inhumane acts.

  "Did you say that because you know I feel that way, as well?" she asked as she stared at him. She put her elbows on the table and her chin in her cupped hands.

  "No, I see fault on both sides," he said. He asked himself, is she probing me?

  "You mean that there are things about our society that don't please you?" she asked.

  "On both sides people and other intelligent beings are imperfect," Wilson said. "No one is faultless. Countries get into conflicts, disputes, and even wars. They fight to the death when there should be better ways to decide differences."

  "You're a man of peace, yet you handled a ray gun well and killed enemies of Sunev," she said.

  "Yes, and I'm a physician, too. I regret that I've taken lives," Wilson said. "Now, I'm a soldier of Sunev, and I'm committed to its government," he lied and blinked as he did so. He hoped she did not sense his anxiety.

  "I see your dilemma," she said.

  "Thank you for understanding."

  The waitress brought their food. "Smells good," said Rachel. She did not seem to notice his lie, and she began to eat.

  Wilson didn't enjoy his meal, and his stomach burned as he wondered if she would report doubts about him. He tried to predict what she would say, if she were to give details of their talks to the authorities.

  Someone turned on a jukebox, and people stood and waltzed to beautiful instrumental music. "What's that?" Wilson asked.

  "It's what you'd call slow dance music," Rachel said, and she took his hand. "Let's dance."

  He stood and drew her to him. "Let's hold each other and move with the music," Wilson said, and she nodded. He pulled her body closer to him and felt her hard nipples against his chest. He was no longer tense, and he felt a wave of relief as they lost themselves in a sea of dancers. They made their way around the dark dance floor once, and then Rachel closed her eyes. When she put her soft cheek against his chest he felt a sudden and urgent yearning for her.

  "Let's go to your place," she said.

  He took her hand, and they walked into the coolness of the night. He gazed upward at the stars that sparkled across the sky. The air was fresh and crisp, yet he felt inner warmth and ease.

  In ten minutes they were at his apartment. After he opened the door, he guided her into a tender embrace and undressed her.

  "My knees feel weak," she said. She sat on the floor on a sheepskin throw rug and spread her legs. The two lovers were gentle at first, and then their lovemaking became faster and finally furious, even primal – animalistic.

  Afterward, they didn't let go of each other. They liked the warmth of their bodies still joined as one, and Wilson dozed. He awoke, not sure how long he had slept. Rachel still was asleep. Her head was against his chest, and he stroked her hair. Behind her ear he saw her tattooed number, 214993, a stark reminder that she was a woman who men had designed as if she were the latest automobile model. She was a Nordic Number 10, just another slave whose main purpose was to please men. She and Lena were very much alike because they were sisters who were supposed to be meek and sexual.

  Then again, Rachel was not an exact replica of Lena because Rachel's mind was distinct. Her brain had grown to be unlike those of her fellow clones as she learned more and more.

  She had a thicker accent than Lena as well as a different, sweeter personality. It hit him that he had enjoyed Lena primarily as a sex partner, as a sex toy, and there was a lot missing in their relationship. He also had a gut feeling that Lena was dedicated totally to the revolution and not necessarily to a particular man. Perhaps her training had been to physically please any man, even multiple men, not to relate to them mentally. After all, she was created to be a sex object not to be an intellectual woman with a caring personality. Lena was a good actress and a rebel. He liked Lena for her body and for her resolve to be free, but he had to admit that he wasn't really in love with her. He had fooled himself into thinking he loved her. There was something almost cold about Lena.

  As he stroked Rachel's hair while she slept, it struck him that he felt deeply for her. There was something warm about her that he could not yet define. Did he really love Rachel? If another Nordic Model Number 10 came around, would she capture his heart, too? Had he fallen in love with love and an enemy? He couldn't erase his deep need and desire for Rachel even if he wanted to. He puzzled, how can I take sides? Earth is not involved. Yet the struggle is between a dictatorship and a freer society.

  As he thought about the war, Rachel woke.

  "Hi, Bill," she said. She paused. "I need to say something."

  "Okay," Wilson said. He looked deep into her eyes.

  "I love you," Rachel sai
d, almost in a whisper. "I don't think I could live without you."

  "I love you, too," he said, and he felt lust in his loins, while at the same time he hungered for her friendship. He wondered how his lips had formed his words almost automatically. It was as if he was hearing a recording of his words that spontaneously poured out.

  Rachel's lips parted. She smiled, hugged him hard, and kissed his chest. "I must admit something else, too," she said. "I hope you'll understand."

  "I'm sure I will," he said, feeling his face flush with the realization that he was indeed in true love. He wasn't fooling himself this time.

  She paused. "If you guessed that the Secret Service sent me to be your sex partner and check on your loyalty, you're right." She squinted and stared at him. "But I care for you very much, and I won't betray you."

  "My country is more democratic than yours, so it may sometimes seem that I'm not grateful for what Sunev has given me," he said.

  "What's that?" she asked.

  "Your people gave me nano meds and the chance to live a long time. I'm thankful for that, but I wish that Sunev were more democratic."

  "I get it," Rachel said. "I, too, feel grateful. I've been given a chance to move up, to live well. But I don't want to be a second class citizen even if I get to live better."

  "In my country most people are lower class citizens because they're not rich," he said. "An oligarchy has arisen worldwide on Earth. A small group of super-rich people has undermined democracy because their money can buy anything and anybody, including politicians."

  "We don't have money anymore, yet there's an oligarchy, a small class which thinks it deserves to rule," she said.

  I feel sick about where this conversation is heading, he thought. Is she trying to get me to confess that I oppose the ruling class?

  "I see you're worried," Rachel said. "I assure you, I don't care if you are a rebel, neutral, or a backer of the Great Leader. I love you."

  "I've been drawn into a quarrel that isn't mine," he said. She was silent for a moment. He thought, I can't be sure if she's playing me, but I think she's truthful. Now, Lena seemed like a fantasy, somewhere far away. Rachel was near, touchable, and she was much warmer than Lena. He yelled inside his brain, what am I doing? He was confused and maybe in love with the wrong woman, but now there was no doubt about it. He loved Rachel, definitely not Lena – yet deep in his head a weak, nagging voice asked, are you just infatuated once again?

  Rachel stood, breaking his escapist thought pattern. "I'll call the Great Leader himself and report that you're loyal," she said. "Believe me. I am under his direct command. I'll lie to him because I think that if you aren't a rebel, you at least pity the cyborgs of Triod." She grabbed both of Wilson's shoulders and kissed his lips. Her soft tongue probed his mouth.

  "I believe you," he said. "I'm surprised the Great Leader has gone to such lengths to check on me."

  "You're the first person from Earth to learn about us," she said. "You're almost as well-known as Lena Lavelle in the popular media, whether you know it or not. I'll call the Leader tomorrow, and you can listen. Let's go to bed. I want to be next to you."

  They went into the bedroom and got into bed naked. They kissed and had sex with the lights on, enjoying the sights of each other and their mutual movements.

  The next morning they ate breakfast at his small, wooden dining table. Rachel sipped coffee. "Did you think I would forget to call the Great Leader?"

  "I figured you'd do it when you were ready," Wilson said, trying to sound calm, but he was nervous.

  "I'll put my phone on speaker," she said. "Be quiet, okay?"

  "I will," Wilson said, and he felt sweat forming in his armpits. She tapped a number into her portable phone.

  "Hello, this is Rachel 214993 calling the Great Leader." she said.

  "I'll check to see if he's here," said a woman's voice. A moment later she said, "I'll put him on."

  "Hello, Rachel," a rough baritone voice said.

  "Greetings, Great Leader," Rachel said. "I have a report about Dr. Wilson of Earth."

  "What are your observations?" he asked.

  "I haven't heard or seen anything that would show that he supports the rebels," she said. "Everything he says indicates that he's a strong supporter of the Upper Echelon."

  "So, you've found nothing incriminating. And he has fought our enemies well, according to Raven," the Leader mused. "Do you want to add anything?"

  "No, sir."

  "One more thing, Rachel. I'm going to give you a heads up about what Raven will soon tell you. I've decided to immediately send The Ghost Liner to Earth on a mission to train the crew how to operate the ship, but there are really two other important objectives. I want you to keep this information secret."

  "Yes, sir," said Rachel.

  "First, you are to deliver a package for me to a courier," the Leader said. "Second, Raven will pick up some gold for the war effort."

  "What's in the package?"

  "For the time being the contents of the package will remain secret," the Great Leader said. "I'll have it delivered to you before the ship jumps to Earth."

  "May I ask, sir, what's our destination on Earth?"

  "You and Wilson will go to Oahu, one of the Hawaiian Islands, where you'll deliver the package. Raven and another man will get the gold at another location. You'll receive further instructions later."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Please keep your eyes and ears open, Rachel. Report to me in a week or when you learn anything important about Wilson. I must say goodbye now."

  "Yes, sir, farewell," Rachel said. She shut off her phone.

  "I guess I'm not off the hook yet," Wilson said.

  "You can be sure, dear, that I'll not report anything to him that would put you in danger," Rachel said. "Do you trust me now?"

  "Yes," Wilson said. "I'm glad we can get away from this damn war for a few days before we leave for Triod on the waterworks raid."

  "Hawaii will be a nice place to visit, but I still have a mission to do there," Rachel said. "So, maybe it won't be much of a vacation. I wonder what this package is that they want me to deliver to a courier."

  "Possibly it's something to do with the war effort?" Wilson guessed.

  "It could be a delivery to one of our research groups on Earth," she said. "Perhaps they decided to send instructions on old-fashioned paper to make sure their message isn't intercepted by the enemy."

  "Maybe they won't tell you what's in the package at all just to make sure the enemy can't coerce you into divulging its contents," Wilson speculated.

  "I guess I'll find out what I can soon," said Rachel. "Actually, I'm more curious about Raven's destination and the gold. I think he might be taking a quick look at California's Gold Country."

  Wilson looked at his watch. "It's almost time for lunch."

  "Let's drive to the ship and eat there," said Rachel. "I have a feeling that Raven will tell us about the new mission."

  Rachel drove her small car to the hangar's parking lot. They found Yarnell eating with Raven at a long, cafeteria style table in The Ghost Liner's mess hall.

  "Sit down with us," Raven said as Wilson and Rachel approached. They sat down before getting their meals.

  "Hi, Richard," Rachel said as she sat.

  "I'm glad you're both here," said Raven. "I have news. The Ghost Liner has been ordered to go to Earth on a quick mission before we conduct the waterworks raid on Triod. While Roberto, I, and the rest of the crew are prospecting for gold for the war effort, Rachel will deliver a package to a courier in Hawaii on the island of Oahu. Bill, you'll go with her because she has had limited experience on Earth."

  "This mission is a pleasant surprise," said Rachel. "It's nice to have a little vacation. I've heard the Hawaiian Islands are beautiful. How long will we be there?"

  "Three days," said Raven.

  "What's in the package?" Rachel asked.

  "I don't know yet," said Raven. "It'll be delivered to us soon because we have
to leave today at 2 p.m."

  "Where are you going to let us off on Oahu?" asked Wilson.

  "At Honolulu's airport," said Raven. "We'll drop you two off, cloak between dimensions, shift our position away from Oahu and end up in Gold Country."

  "Where and when will you pick us up?" Wilson asked.

  "At the airport in three days at five in the afternoon," Raven said. "Set your ship finder alarms right now so we'll all be on the same page."

  "Okay," Rachel said, and she took her ship finder from her purse.

  Wilson nodded, and took his silver ship finder from his hip pocket. Rachel helped him set his alarm, and then she set hers.

  "See you folks later," said Raven, who had finished his meal. "Yarnell and I have to get ready for the mission." He and Yarnell left.

  "Let's eat. I'm starving," said Rachel.

  Rachel and Wilson ordered soup and sandwiches and ate quickly. Afterward he slipped out of the ship and walked away from the hangar so he could phone rebel leader Ramon Black.

  "Hello, Bill. What's up?" Ramon said.

  "Rachel, our crew, and I will soon jump to Earth to prospect for gold for three days and deliver a package of some kind for the Great Leader," Wilson reported.

  "Do you have any idea what's in the package?"

  "Rachel thinks it could be a message for one of Sunev's research teams on Earth, but that's only a guess. She still seems trustworthy to me."

  "Be careful, Bill," Ramon said. "She's been trained to gain your confidence."

  "I haven't told her anything about my actions with your side. But she's led me to believe that she could be ripe for recruitment by you under the right conditions."

  "We'll think about how to test her," said Ramon. "For now, be vigilant."

  "Okay," Wilson said.

  "What's your destination?" asked Ramon.

  "Rachel and I will visit Oahu, one of the Hawaiian Islands," Wilson said. "Raven said he and the rest of the crew will prospect in California's Gold Country."